I posted this a few minutes ago on the Debian forum:

As noted above I did post a bug report on the failure of update-grub to
configure the grub menu properly.

I recently tried removing and reinstalling grub2 once again.  (I had done
this several times earlier with no success.)

As I watched the version numbers were the same, 1.98 in both cases, but the
number following the "+" sign was different.

So the new grub2 is 1.98+20100b04-10

Frankly I have no idea what that means. What I do know is that I once again
let grub2 produce yet another grub,cfg and voila! Suddenly I have a properly
listed Grub2 menu! The titles are correct and everything works.

There have been no other changes on my system other than to remove and
reinstall grub2 one more time.

I can only conjecture because I do not know enough to be insightful. I
suspect the dev team working on grub2 has made some subtle changes and those
may have resolved the situation?

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