Quoting Joey Hess (jo...@debian.org):

> So, the only way I can see to fix this is to use for task-portuguese,
> test-lang: pt_PT pt_XX pt_YY
> I don't know what value to put in for XX and YY etc so I have not fixed
> this yet. Perhaps bubulle can help.

ATM, only pt_PT exists apart from pt_BR. But nothing prevents other
locales to appear in the future for countries where Portuguese is the
official or most spoken language (Angola, Cap Verde, East Timor,
Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome e Principe, as far as I can tell
and investigate)

So, my recommendation would be using:

Test-Lang: pt_PT pt_AO pt_CV pt_TL pt_GW pt_MZ pt_ST

But, really, I wish Brazilian gets its own IS0-639 code if it's so
different from pt_PT. This inconsistency brings too many hacks
everywhere in software. (of course, chaging this now would just bring
even more mess)

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