Hi all,

i have exchanged a few emails about this report, so far from what i understood from the problem:
        - installs OK from stable CD;
- when updating, after installation from CD, graphic system gets borked after rebooting;
        - updates don't work;

I'm not sure if there's any benefit from leaving this BR open.

Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,

Miguel Figueiredo
--- Begin Message ---
Holy kay-rap, youse guys are starting really, really to get on my nerves!
 I blew a half a hectobuck on your eight-disc CD set (6.0.3, 32-bit) and
when I was getting ready to load the #1 disc I noticed a silvery spot on
its data side, fully a 16th of an inch in diameter and visible at a
distance of forty feet to a one-eyed wino.  I tried to test it via a full
copy of the disc to my hard drive and didn't get any errors but, sure
enough, when I tried to install it it failed, saying it was unable to load
the installation data.  Biiiiig surprise, eh?

So, summarizing:

I have made four or five attempts with your single CD, which turns out to
be catastrophically incompatible with your online updates.

After my first few CD failures I tried downloading the installer online,
but that refused to load directly to a CD and I was never instructed how to
convert the CD I transferred it onto into a *boot* disc.  So I spent a few
hours trying to figure that out, and a few more hours trying to "trick" it
into installing after I booted separately.  No instructions about this from
the netsite, just "choose the version you want, download it, and install."
 Thanks a lot -- I had to give up and go back to the CD.

And now I have the (far from free) *eight-CD* set and it's totally freaking

Meanwhile, through all this, I'm fighting a complete lack of useful
instructions, getting apparent inactivity without progress bars, rotating
cursors, or drive-light activity,  wondering whether I'm supposed to do
something or not, getting hung out to dry over and over again, being
offered options with no idea of what the answer should be, and generally
wasting two weeks of effort on software that simply isn't designed for
people who don't already know all the answers.

Incidentally, for your information, I have a master's degree in computer
science and more than three decades professional experience in programming
embedded systems and automated QA systems.  I'm not fully acquainted with
PC systems, but that never bothered me when I was dealing with suppliers
who had the maturity to look at their product through the eyes of their
users and provide a usable package.  So, Debian is free (but not for me, it
turns out) and one should be patient?  Well, I've just been through a half
a month of patience, and I'm afraid I'm fresh out....

I'm *done with Debian, *so Ay-Dee-Ose!

(Don't waste any time flaming me back, because I'm putting you on Chrome
"mute" and I won't even see you go by.)


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 12:05, Miguel Figueiredo <el...@debianpt.org> wrote:

> On 06-12-2011 14:30, Pa Blum wrote:
>> -
>> ...yes, and yes.  The first "yes" in that I'm using a ten-buck "Live
>> Install" CD (which is mysteriously referred to as a "DVD") in 6.0,
>> 32-bit form.  The second "yes" in that that's what I'm running the
>> Manager Update on.
> Can you try an image from here:
> http://www.debian.org/**releases/squeeze/debian-**installer/<http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/debian-installer/>
> Official, 'normal' image - not 'live'.
>> Thanks for your interest,
> It's free software, it's how we give back ;-)
>  PaB
> Miguel
>> ################
>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 13:53, Miguel Figueiredo <el...@debianpt.org
>> <mailto:el...@debianpt.org>> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    [...]
>>    But when I do the first (and all following) restarts it boots up
>>        with a completely scrambled GUI, even in the log-in screen which
>>        i can
>>        get past because I can answer it with keyboard entries without
>> being
>>        able to see it(!)
>>    [...]
>>    Humm, I suspect on graphic kernel module "borked".
>>    So it's not installer fault :)
>>    You are using stable? and also updated in stable?
>>    --
>>    Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,
>>    Miguel Figueiredo
> --
> Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,
> Miguel Figueiredo

--- End Message ---

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