Le 20.01.2012 12:00, Didier Raboud - OdyX a écrit :
> Hi dear release team and FTP masters,
> It's the time of the year when I want to get win32-loader migrated to
> testing. So please let win32-loader migrate to testing (it has
> lived in unstable since June without much problems).
> FTP-Masters: in sync with the release team, please copy the "standalone"
> flavours that are mirrored to
> /tools/win32-loader/${suite}/win32-loader.exe from unstable to testing.

As far as I can see, migrating win32-loader is a matter of

a) an FTP-Master doing `cd ${ARCHIVE}; cp -f
tools/win32-loader/unstable/*  tools/win32-loader/testing/`
b) a release manager hinting win32-loader

Do you need more information ?

Cheers, OdyX

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