Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> I don't think the installer images should be in dists/ as they are now,
> but get their own location, installer/. For various reasons, including
> the - wth was it added there in the first place, - currently an
> installer update move from one suite to another means real
> copies/moves. Why, pool/ got rid of that for our packages, why do we
> have it for the installer? Also, its really big and doesn't belong into
> dists/, which is more like a set of "Package indices".

It seems like pool/main/d/debian-installer/$ARCH/$version would be a
good place to put it. Unless having non-debs in pool would break
something's assumptions.

If it's in pool, then dists could just link to the right one, ie:

dists/sid/main/installer-i386/current -> 

I think this preserves backwards compatability in a clean way that
won't need further work later, while meeting your goals.

>              wheezy -> 20120508

> There is one drawback I see outright - we no longer have a "current"
> link. I might miss something here, but is the current link really
> required, if we build it up like the above?

What if a user is installing stable and cannot remember the release code
name? (Not hypothetical; I couldn't tell you the current release
codename offhand.) The advantage of keeping the symlink in dists is that
it's right there with the other files for whatever dist the user
navigates to. Also it avoids special cases.

see shy jo

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