On 09/24/2012 05:04 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> 1) It seems likely that adding a udeb for fuse-modules will allow
>> os-prober to identify other Linux OS root partitions and get them
>> added to the boot-loader config file... But only as long as those
>> partitions are not LVM partitions.
>> I have not performed definitive experiments to verify either half of
>> this assertion, but the evidence so far does point in that direction. 
>> When can I expect the "udeb for fuse" fix to be included in an
>> upcoming daily iso?  I'll be happy to test it when it's available.
> I tried a test installation with the following:
> Debian GNU/Linux testing "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot amd64 NETINST
>      Binary-1 20120923-03:20
> which seems to have the necessary module:
> $ find /mnt -name '*fuse*' -print
> /mnt/pool/main/f/fuse
> /mnt/pool/main/f/fuse/fuse-udeb_2.9.1-1_amd64.udeb
> /mnt/pool/main/f/fuse/libfuse2_2.9.0-2_amd64.deb
> /mnt/pool/main/f/fuse/libfuse2-udeb_2.9.1-1_amd64.udeb
> /mnt/pool/main/l/linux/fuse-modules-3.2.0-4-amd64-di_3.2.29-1_amd64.udeb
> However, it still doesn't find the other OS partitions...
> They are located in /dev/mapper/monk-root2 and /dev/mapper/monk-root3. 
> The partition being installed to is in /dev/mapper/monk-root.
> I'm attaching the (gzipped) installer logs.
> Rick

Please file a separate debian-installer bug report for problems related
to finding other OS's on LVM partitions.


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