Samuel Thibault <> writes:

> Hello,
> martin f krafft, le Sun 07 Apr 2013 06:40:37 +0200, a écrit :
>> As far as I can tell, d-i has all the information, and even leaving
>> a fully-commented pressed.cfg file in /var/log/installer after the
>> installation should be doable.
> Did you read section B.3. "Creating a preconfiguration file" of the
> installation manual?
> “
> An alternative method is to do a manual installation and then, after
> rebooting, use the debconf-get- selections from the debconf-utils
> package to dump both the debconf database and the installer's cdebconf
> database to a single file:

Doesn't that include _all_ settings, including those that were derived
automatically ... so not the minimum preseed that Martin was hoping for.

I've certainly wished that there was a simple way of discovering which
questions were actually asked of the user, as a hint towards what still
needed to be preseeded, and the closest I was aware of to that would be
to turn up debugging, and then trawl through the resulting log, but I've
not been trying it recently, so perhaps there's a better way these days.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.          
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