Hi Chethana,

On 20/10/14 12:29, Priyadarshini, Chethana (GE Healthcare) wrote:
> We are using the software product ‘Debian Linux’ version 5.0 on one of
> our embedded medical device. [...]

> We are performing a SOUP(Software of Unknown Pedigree) anomaly for the
> purpose of audit. With regard to this we need to check if the 3^rd party
> software which we are using in our product has any known defects and its
> impact on our product.

With respect to software security, you could perhaps refer to this list
of known, unfixed security issues in Debian 5.0 (oldstable);  then for
the individual packages you use, determine potential impact/severity in
your situation (if any) :

Steven Chamberlain

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