On Mar 6, 2016, at 11:12 PM, MH <haa...@fastmail.net> wrote:

> Debian Jessie
> Recently ran into a problem with aptitude. I get the following message:
> E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found
> Since I am not using ANY HTTPS repos, I should not be getting the above 
> error. 
> Still, after searching the Internet for similar problems I installed the apt-
> transport-https package. I got a different error.
> I tried to submit a request for help on the Debian forums, but when I tried 
> to 
> register I received a warning that my ISP had been blocked as a source of 
> spamming networks.
> I'm guessing the two issues are related, since I can still access 
> non-official 
> repositories, including Kubuntu repositories (VM) without a problem. While I 
> can sympathize with a need to fight spam, I don't think blocking access to 
> security updates is the best way to go about this.
> Since I have only one ISP option (rural Thailand), I'm concerned. I've 
> brought 
> the matter to the attention of my ISP, but given the Debian mirrors and 
> forums 
> are the only sites I can find (out of about 100 regularly visited) that are 
> blocking my ISP, it's going to be a tough sell to get them to do anything. 
> I'm 
> sure few if any of their other users are complaining.
> Please advise. I'd hate to have to abandon Debian after nearly 10 years of 
> daily use just to keep my computers up to date.
> -- 
> "The world is a dangerous place to live -- not because of the people who are
> evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
>                                       --Albert Einstein

There are lots of Debian repo mirrors.  If one is blocking you, maybe try 

Hoping that helps...

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