Le vendredi, 26 mai 2017, 19.04:13 h CEST Cyril Brulebois a écrit :
> Hi,
> You might have noticed final preparations for d-i Stretch RC 4 are
> underways. A new debian-installer upload (or a binNMU) will need to
> happen before the first stretch release (aka. r0). If there's anything
> you want or would like to include in r0, now is the time to mention it.
> Right now, the last upload/binNMU will be needed:
>  - to account for updated keys in debian-archive-keyring;
>  - to include pending netcfg changes (IPv6 vs. rdnssd);
>  - to possibly include a last choose-mirror update;

win32-loader should be arch:all-rebuilt (aka uploaded) with a versionned 
Build-Depends on the  latest debian-archive-keyring. It would therefore 
also embed the latest versions of all the other binaries its standalone 
version embeds.

It also currently uses httpredir.debian.org as only mirror, so we should 
decide if it makes sense to consolidate onto deb.debian.org for win32-
loader too.



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