Hi all,

I was wondering whether it would be possible to add some more flexibility to
the paths of Debian installer as used by e.g. netboot.tar.gz for PXE install.
At the moment, it's not trivially possible to offer e.g. Debian 10 and 9 or 11
at the same time for tftpboot as paths are hardcoded as e.g.:

grub.cfg (excerpt):

menuentry --hotkey=s 'Install with speech synthesis' {
    set background_color=black
    linux    /debian-installer/amd64/linux vga=788 speakup.synth=soft --- quiet
    initrd   /debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can there really be only one?

which I turned for my purposes into:

menuentry --hotkey=s 'Install with speech synthesis' {
    set background_color=black
    linux    /debian-10/debian-installer/amd64/linux vga=788 speakup.synth=soft 
--- quiet
    initrd   /debian-10/debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz
             ^^^^^^^^^^ So we can have debian-9, debian-11 etc.

Having to change all affected places after downloading the bootfiles can be 
error prone
and should be avoidable, I think.

Best wishes

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