Adam D. Barratt <> (2019-10-21):
> It's (really past) time to consider a date for the second buster point
> release.

I haven't been paying close attention to -boot over the past few days,
but I don't have anything to get fixed in buster right away AFAICT, so
please take the following with a grain of salt.

> I've listed some suggested dates below; please indicate which you
> would be available for.
> - November 2nd
>   - I'm not available; also means that the freeze would have to be
>     this coming weekend

Heavy week+travels before and after, clearly not the best for me.

> - November 9th

Doable (if what I wrote above regarding close to nothing to pu before
the deadline is correct).

> - November 16th
> - November 23rd
> - November 30th
>   - a little late, and I'm not available

All those are good for me.

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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