Holger Wansing, le dim. 30 janv. 2022 11:59:18 +0100, a ecrit:
> What's needs to happen now?
> I cannot do that for installation-guide anyway, but just for learning:
> - Upload
>       - Uploading to which distribution is controlled by the entry in the
>         first line of debian/changelog, right?
>         What needs to be used there? "bullseye" - "stable" - ... - ?

IIRC it's a normal stable-proposed-update, so that'd be bullseye.

> - Anything else needed?

I guess the scripts for the website will automatically get the version
from bullseye, but TBH I don't remember :)

> - Are there any restrictions for such procedere, like: only DDs with full
>   upload rights can do that?
>   Or could I do that for tasksel for example? Remember, I'm only DM, with
>   upload rights for some selected packages (d-i related).

IIRC DM can upload proposed-updates for their packages too.


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