Le 19/05/2022 à 09:36, Andreas Tille wrote :

I retried now with
to reinstall that laptop again.

When choosing "encrypted LVM option"  -> "using single partition"
(so no extra /home etc.) I end up with the following partitions:

    Partition 1 at /dev/nvme0n1 as ESP
    Partition 2 at /dev/nvme0n1 as ext2

Partition 2 is the mandatory unencrypted /boot. There should also be an encrypted partition.

There is definitely no swap partition created.

Of course not. "Guided with LVM" options create a swap LVM logical volume, not a swap partition.

I now switched to manual mode deleted partition 2 created partition 3 as
swap (64GB) and the remaining 1.9 TB as crypto partition 4.

This manual installation is also not really smooth.  First I installed
swap without encryption.  This was rejected by the installer.

The installer requires that the swap be encrypted if / is encrypted.
IMO it is easier to use LVM inside a single encrypted volume.

Then I
tried with encryption.  In the partition step it says now
    Der Versuch, ein Dateisystem vom Typ swap auf Verschlüsseltes Volume
    (nvme0n1p3_crypt) als none einzubinden, ist fehlgeschlagen.
  which translates somehow to
    The attempt to mount filesystem of type swap on encrypted volume
    (nvme0n1p3_crypt) failed.

You can see details about the error in the log console (tty4) or in /var/log/syslog from tty2 or tty3.

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