tis 2002-08-27 klockan 18.09 skrev Michael Cardenas:

Just some comments on the patch...

> +      ped_device_probe_all();
> +
> +      //mbc - unfortunately, do two passes for now to do the malloc...

I suppose the other way to go is realloc, but in this case I think it's

> +             if(*ptr == 0)
> +               strcpy(ptr, dev->path);
> +             else if (*ptr != 0)
> +               strcat(ptr, dev->path);

I'm not sure what strings ped_device_get_next returns, but a 'choices'
list should be comma-separated, should it not?

>        client->command (client, "subst", "partkit/select_device", "choices",
>                      ptr, NULL);
> +      free(ptr);
> +      
>        /*FIXME: how to get a default device? */
>        client->command (client, "subst", "partkit/select_device", "default",
>                      ptr, NULL);

Here you're using ptr after it's been freed.


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