mån 2002-09-02 klockan 13.16 skrev Junichi Uekawa:
> > Should I let anna and main-menu build-depend on libdebian-installer-dev
> > (>= 0.04) so you'll be forced to rebuild libd-i first? Is that enough,
> > or should I add an explicit binary dependency on libdebian-installer (>=
> > 0.04) too?
> Yes, both would be good.
> If you have the shlibs set properly, that should happen.
> I haven't looked at libd-i yet, so I cannot tell.

I've added the build-dep, but I don't get a versioned binary depend.

Hmm. Come to think of it, why doesn't libd-i have the SONAME in the
package name? I haven't packaged any shared libraries so I'm not sure
how it works...


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