On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 11:22, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Moin Adrian!
> Adrian von Bidder schrieb am Tuesday, den 24. September 2002:
> > really. Is it that difficult? If you absolutely don't want to do this,
> > go hack the new debian-installer - they do need helping hands.
> How do you know? I do not see anybody saying "hey, we have a
> good and reliable, working d-i build system and need people to design
> and code".

I do admittedly not know if the d-i people actively search help. From
what I heard, I do know, however, that d-i is still not finished, and
from what I've seen so far, helping hands are rarely turned away if
offered. Of course, if d-i is a closed project, I've misunderstood
something and will have to search for another distribution (pity - I was
liking Debian quite a bit.)

-- vbi

(Oh, yes, I forgot: </hot air>)

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