tis 2003-07-29 klockan 08.07 skrev Evgeny:
> I have downloaded unofficial sarge image.
> But I cannot install debian system. The problem apears when I try to
> load installer modules with ANNA. I have the following message:
> "Retrieving module hw-detect failed with uncknown reason". Can anybody
> help me?

I have replied to this countless times on the debian-testing list. Read
the archive on lists.debian.org. I have no idea why the unofficial CDs
are broken, but I cannot do anything about it. Please contact the
distributors and/or authors of the unofficial images.

Martin Sjögren
  Phone: +46 (0)31 7490880       Cell: +46 (0)739 169191
  GPG key: http://www.strakt.com/~martin/gpg.html

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