ons 2003-07-30 klockan 08.02 skrev Alastair McKinstry:
> udebs of priority >= standard are automatically loaded by d-i.
> e2fsprogs-udeb should have a priority of standard, to ensure that
> mkfs.ext[23] are present; IMHO the override file should be
> corrected or we won't be able to make a filesystem without a user
> manually loading the udeb.

It's not a question of "IMHO", e2fsprogs-udeb should be at least
standard, PERIOD! If someone builds a custom d-i and doesn't want
ext[23], they can create a udeb_exclude file, so there's really no
reason whatsoever for the priority to be lower than standard.

I wish the ftp masters would consult us on udeb priorities. :-/

Martin Sjögren
  Phone: +46 (0)31 7490880       Cell: +46 (0)739 169191
  GPG key: http://www.strakt.com/~martin/gpg.html

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