mån 2003-09-29 klockan 22.18 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Update of /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/anna/debian
> In directory gluck:/tmp/cvs-serv23436
> Modified Files:
>       changelog 
> Log Message:
> Convert changelog to UTF-8

Um, the file encoding already was UTF-8, except for André's latest
entry. André, please make sure you save the changelog in UTF-8 format in
the future!

Martin Sjögren
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
  let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Detta =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E4r?= en digitalt signerad meddelandedel

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