tor 2003-10-09 klockan 15.12 skrev Steinar H. Gunderson:
> On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 02:58:01PM +0200, Sebastian Ley wrote:
> > In partitioner and partconf you have a select question generating some
> > kind of menu, together with a "Finish" entry. However it turned out that
> > people believed that the "Weiter" button would have the meaning of the
> > Finish button. They selected "Weiter" but the select question was still
> > pointing at some other entry than "Finish" and they were confused about
> > the result.
> > 
> > I'd propose to drop the "Ok" button entirely in select questions,
> > because it makes no sense having it there anyway.
> What about simply dropping the "Finish" and "Abort" selections? They should
> be the "Finish" and "Back" button anyhow, not entries in a selection box.

The buttons are "Continue" and "Go Back". The meaning of Continue in a
select question is "yes, this is the option I want", there has to be
some sort of "Finish" option in order to be able to break out of the
loop. That <enter> happens to do same thing as Continue for all question
types except the multiselect question is perhaps unfortunate.

The "Abort" option is there because going back is unclear, should you
get back to the previous mount question, or get back to the main menu?
When you run out of mount questions, should it then go back to the main
menu? What visual indication for this is there? I know that using a
select question in a loop like this in partconf is hideous, but I don't
see what other option there is.

Martin Sjögren
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