Testing dists/sid/main/installer-i386/current -> 20031113

1. No documents!  The page
http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ has a promising link to
"The Debian-Installer's INSTALLATION HOWTO".  Unfortunately it does
not give anything.

2. Guessing name of the first boot diskette was easy.  2. took some
time.  If first diskette asks for 2. boot floppy, there should be a
file bootfloppy2.img (or something like it).  Rootfloppy.img would
also be good name, but then boot floppy should ask for it.

3. I wanted to install from network.  Two boot floppies found network
interface from Epox 8K9A71 motherboard.  Everything went well until
installer wanted to configure CD-drive.  Installer refused to believe
that there is no CD-drive!  I can get debs from local network easier
than from CD, so I didn't install a CD drive.  I was able to finish
installation by selecting next installation step from the menu.  After
each step installer wanted to configure non existing CD.

4. Keyboard configuration was easy as usual. Unfortunately after first
boot Debian had forgotten that I don't have US keyboard.

5. An old problem: I usually make a 'small' root partition.
(currently it should be about 150 MB, my first Linux computer had
total 80 MB disk space.)  This computer had relatively small disk, so
I made only / & /usr. I should have made symlinks /var -> /usr/var ...
I forget that while trying to configure non existing CD, so I run out
of disk space.  Tasksel did hide the error message so I had to use old
reliable dselect. It told immediately what is the problem.  Fix was
easy.  Perhaps installer could check the size of / and if it is small
and not all big partition were made, ask user where /var should be
moved (same with /usr, /home, /tmp).

Result was working system. Network and sound drivers were found

- Jukka

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