Richard Hirst wrote:
> I think the sid script already pulled in libacl/libattr, while the sarge
> script didn't.  0.2.21 fixed the sarge script to pull in those libs too.
> So, using an older debootstrap worked for sid, but not sarge.  0.2.21 is
> compiled for ia64, but I guess it just didn't make that iso build.  I'm
> assuming the debootstrap udeb comes off the iso, not from the archive..

That's right, it's on the iso. The fixed version is indeed 0.2.21;
0.2.22 is current. I see 0.2.21 in the Packages file in the archive, so
I suppose this will be fixed in the next build, or was perhaps fixed
last night.

> > I've been hearing murmerings about parted for a few days, is this a
> > more widespread problem? There was a new version uploaded recently.
> I'll try and look closer tomorrow.

So the parted problem affects all arches, but not all users of the
library. It is being resolved now..

see shy jo

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