Thorsten Sauter wrote:
> | > 2. I'm unable to debootstrap any distribution. isn't this an known bug
> | >    busybox?
> | 
> | No, if it's the bug I'm thinking of, it is fixed in debootstrap-udeb in
> | incoming. Hard to tell with no details.
> it always say: invalid release file (or something like this)

I think I have heard of this problem with the businesscard cd images.
It's as if it tries to load debs from the businesscard for some reason.

> | > Summary: powerpc images are beta2 ready! :-)
> | > 
> | > 
> | > manty: please change DEBCONF_PRIORITY to "high" in:
> | >   install/powermac/yaboot.conf
> | 
> | I see that I made a stupid mistake. I switched expert and install. Boot
> | with expert for the high priority install. This is fixed in debian-cd CVS.
> | :-/
> ok. so this is fixed.
> I will retry it with the images tomorrow, when busybox is installed into
> the archive, hope problem 2 is then also fixed.

It should be fixed, I would appreciate a verification.

> | It's very good to hear that powerpc is almost ready. I think it will be
> | ok if it laggs i386 by a few days though in getting frozen and into
> | testing. Let's make sure it's 100% there. And make sure that it works
> | for someone else besides just you. :-)
> isn't this the job of the beta release to see, if it works for other
> peoples also?

Sure, to some extent. On the other hand, if it's broken for 90% of the
user base, it will not be a very effective beta..

see shy jo

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