Debian-installer-version: 20031230
uname -a:
Date: 1 Jan 2004
Method: netinstall ISO image, no proxy, did not change any settings.
Machine: No name
Processor: Pentium 133 MMX
Memory: 64 Mb
Root Device: IDE Quantam 2.1 Gb (secondary master).
Root Size/partition table: 1.9 Gb hda1 ext3 (mounted as /), hda5 200 Mb
Output of lspci: did not get a bootable system...
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked:    [O ]
Configure network HW:   [O ]
Config network:         [O ]
Detect CD:              [O ]
Load installer modules: [O ]
Detect hard drives:     [O ]
Partition hard drives:  [O ]
Create file systems:    [O ]
Mount partitions:       [O ]
Install base system:    [O ]
Install boot loader:    [E ]
Reboot:                 [E ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
This install got much further than the beta-1 install I tried a while
There were several times when something was happening and there was no
indication of what was happening (blue screens of life :-). Things like
(I assume) doing
the lilo configuration.
Some indication of what is actually happening when some of the
configuration scrollbars go by would be good. Some of them take a fair
while on this fairly slow
machine and it would warm the cockles of my heart to know that something
is in fact happening.
Had earlier used the older woody installer to load up debian on this
machine and then thought that I'd try out the new installer just to see
how it goes. Everything went fine until I got to base software install
and then there was a failure installing awk (probably the first
executable to be installed. I got an error that awk already existed.
Perhaps the user could be asked if they were upgrading
there system or making a new one ? This is a nicety, but useful.
In the next attempt, I nuked my old partitions and everything went well.
It looks like the system is installed on the machine, however there is a
problem with lilo configuration. On reboot, I get 99 99 99 99 99......
for about half a page and no boot. There is no option to make a boot
disk, so the machine is effectively not installed. Is there a problem
with the IDE drive being a secondary master (in the BIOS). Double
checked and the 'bootable' flag is set on the partition. This config
worked with the old installer, no boot floppy was needed.

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