Fabrice Lorrain (home) wrote:
> Now using the businesscard image from : 
> http://people.debian.org/~manty/testing/netinst/powerpc/20040109/sarge-powerpc-businesscard.iso
> This image doesn't set the /etc/resolv.conf. Old stories ...

Please try the one from here instead:


The udebs for powerpc currently in sarge include a quite old netcfg,
but the CD built with the udebs from unstable should fix that.

> I was able to go further in base install, but get hit by "sleep not found".
> echo "exit 0" > /bin/sleep let me proceed but the base install still broke.
> /target/var/log/debootstrap.log shows a dependcy pb starting with 
> libopencdk8 -> libgnutls7 -> exim* -> mailx -> at
> libopencdk8 is not retrieved. Installing it manualy seems OK.

Again, this will be fixed in the iso at the url listed above.

> In base install, during the "retrieving packages" stage I got a lot of 
> "retrieving %s" "validating foo" for foo in {man-db, man-pages, 
> mawk,modconf,modutils, net-tools, net-base, nvi, powerpc-util, pppoe, 
> psmisc, syslogd, tar,tcpd, wget, whiptail,yaboot}. I might have miss some.

Known problem.

see shy jo

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