Am Die, den 20.01.2004 schrieb Rolando Abarca um 00:16:
> Package: debian-installer
> Version: (unknown, from sarge netinstall cd)
> After booting into linux, right after starting the installer the screen
> goes to black. If I switch to other console it works, I can see the
> process running and kill the installer, it will start automatically again
> in that console, but with serious graphical glitches (not highlighting the
> current choice, not responding to keyboard, and things like that).
> My machine is a PowerMac 7200/120, booting with BootX, using kernel
> 2.4.22-powerpc-small (the one that comes in the netinstall cd doesn't
> work), the ramdisk (root.bin) is the one that comes in the cd. Checking
> "no video driver" in BootX does not help.
You can not simply change the kernel with d-i. The d-i image is built
for a specific kernel because it contains kernel modules. I'm not sure
if this is related to your problem, though.

> salud! (cheers!)
> funkaster = (person *)malloc(sizeof(person)*curr_age+2);

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