Thanks! You're very kind. I'm still (figuratively) learning where the bathrooms are, but with help from friends like you I'll be up and running in no time.

I'll have to learn how to do svs, docbook, xml and so on myself eventually, and that's one of my top priorities. In the mean time, until I do, I'll take you up on your offer.

A first crop of updates will follow in a day or so.



On Sunday, March 21, 2004, at 04:51 PM, Miroslav Kure wrote:

If you don't like to mess with docbook and xml, you can send me plain
text and I'll docbookize it and commit into the right place.

Will do.  I can start on this part right away. To whom do I send my

See above (send it to me, and I'll take care about the rest).

Miroslav Kure

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