I was trying the Net-Install.iso posted earlier with similar problems.
The install started fine.  I was able to partition my drives:
2 x 1.2Gb IDE
Part 1         /boot        64Mb
Part 2        /                1100Mb
Part 3        Swap        150Mb
All set to type fd.  I did have some trouble creating the Raid (espically after many attempts at installing), so I switched to the console and stop any existing md drives and recreated using mdadm.
Everything installed fine after that.  But I could not get grub to setup on (hd0) or (md0).
The only way I have been able to get this to work, is set my Part 1 to type 82 on both drives, mount the part 1 on drive 1 to /boot and set the other to /boot/bkup.
Grub would then install, and I can now boot.
My thought was to copy the contents of boot to the bkup folder and emergency boot from a floppy to get the boot loader installed on the second drive.
Haven't tried yet though.
I want to web/email server with the drives software Raided (mirror).  I will be using 2 x 9Gb SCSI drives for this, but should I look at a 500Mb or 1.2Gb IDE drive to hold /boot and swap?

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