On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 07:51:01AM +0200, Erik C.J. Laan wrote:
> no http proxy configured otherwise. Booted with "ramdisk_size=13000 
> debug=ser console=tty0" added to my 'normal' Linux/mac68k bootoptions 
> (mac53c9x=1,0).

cool, a serial install on a mac.

> The "low memory mode" textbox looked fine. After that a message appeared 
> the Unicode was set on console and from that moment on a very annoying 
> bug appeared: Each line-drawing character in every one of the 4 borders 
> of each text-box was replaced by the 3 character sequence of
> an "a" with a caret "^", and 2 black box-like characters. This made 
> correctly selecting and entering information tricky. Examples:

May have to setup a serial console to check this out.

> ext3 to ext2 at first. I need ext2 because the last stable kernel on
> Macintoshes is 2.2.25-mac, and ext3 support has not been compiled into
> that AFAIK.

ext3 is indeed compiled into the 2.2.25-mac kernel (as of
kernel-image-2.2.25-mac 2.2.25-4). I use it regularly.

Glad you finally got it installed.

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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