Russell Hires wrote:
> I'm just poking around on my G3/266 and I'm noticing that I don't have a
> /dev/modem, or any tty that links to it. Does the d-i create such a
> device only if you say that you want to install via ppp? This could be a
> problem if, for example, you want to use your modem to output a serial
> console (which is my situation, actually :-) In fact, I can't find (and
> neither can kppp) which tty connects to my modem. 

d-i does not know about modems. I think that pppconfig might set a
/dev/modem link if you choose to use it to install via modem in
base-config, but in general yes, new installs have no /dev/modem link.
Probing for modems is a rather risky business that has been known to
turn off UPSes and do other fun stuff, I don't think the installer wants
to go there.

I don't understand what a modem has to do with a serial console BTW.

see shy jo

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