On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 15:50 +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 April 2008, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > I'd really like it if Debian could supply a PAE enable installer as
> > standard but if not I'll find another way (presumably supplying one
> > myself).
> >
> > I experimented with a netboot image with both -486 and -686-bigmem and
> > it added 1.4M to a 5M initrd.gz image, which I can see could be
> > unacceptable. A separate netboot-bigmem could be an alternative (note: I
> > think for PV install netboot is the most obvious choice for the
> > installer, cdrom a distant second and floppy etc nowhere insight)
> I guess only providing a netboot image (+ mini.iso) could be an option.
> It should not be too hard to implement that in the build system.

I'll continue working along these lines rather than a multi-mode netboot
image then, it does appear to be the simpler of the two options from the
build POV.

I assume that d-i won't be switching to a 2.6.25 kernel until after the
next beta, is that right? Shall I file a wishlist bug now for the
creation of the -bigmem kernel udebs when the switch happens or shall I
wait until it is being planned?


Ian Campbell

Remember:  Silly is a state of Mind, Stupid is a way of Life.
                -- Dave Butler

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