
> Basically what it says on the tin. Randomly, messages I send will
> not appear in the chat window, nor will they be logged. However,
> my contact still receives them just fine. The same issue can
> happen with received messages, where they simply don't show up in
> the chat, though I'm pretty sure I still get notifications.

I'm using emesene all days for speaking with colleague/friend and they use
a myriad of different clients like Live msn, old msn client, pidgin etc. etc.
Honestly I never found this kind of problem.

> I don't know exactly what kind of messages trigger it, but it is
> reproducible with the same ones, and it also seems to be more
> reliable, or at least differently triggered with text output
> instead of Adium for chat windows
> (Preferences->Extensions->Categories:conversation output)

Never used Adium, so I can't help you so much with this issue.
My suggestion is to check the emesene bug page[0] and eventually report
a new issue.


[0] https://github.com/emesene/emesene/issues?state=open

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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