Diff for summary attached.

Thanks to Don Armstrong

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle
diff --git a/682010_celt_and_mumble.org b/682010_celt_and_mumble.org
index ae6112a..849c105 100644
--- a/682010_celt_and_mumble.org
+++ b/682010_celt_and_mumble.org
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
 * Issue #682010
-** Mumble in unstable/testing currently cannot interact with other clients and servers
-   + Due to the removal of celt 0.7.1 (?)
+** Mumble in unstable/testing currently cannot interact with other clients and servers due to:
+   + removal of celt 0.7.1 library and disabling of use in mumble
+   + mumble upstream dropping speex
 * Possible solutions
 ** Include celt 0.7.1 as a convenience copy
-   + Security Issues with embedded copies
+   + Security Issues with embedded copies (?) (Thorvald)
    + Unspecified possible security issues
+   + Deprecated upstream in favor of opus
+   + Proliferates ancient celt library downstream
 ** Upload a celt 0.7.1 package
    + No maintainer desires to deal with this (apparently?)
+   + Request from celt authors to stop distributing ancient version
    + Unspecified possible security issues
 ** Use speex instead
-   + Server (and clients?) do not select speex as an option unless bandwidth is low
+   + Clients do not use speex unless bandwidth is <= 32kb/s
+   + Clients cannot currently report speex version during codec selection process
+   + Requires code modification for selection process and re-enabling speex
+   + After mods should be backward compatible with existing clients
 ** Use only opus
-   + Not yet (?) released upstream
-   + May not communicate with non-opus clients
+   + Will not communicate with non-opus clients
+   + Will not communicate with non-opus servers
 * Open questions
 ** Can speex be made to be an option?
 ** Is a convenience copy acceptable, assuming mumble is the only thing with it?

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