David Coe schrieb:
The more details you can provide, the more likely
someone will find the answer.

Are your log files not rotating correctly? If so, show us, e.g. by running lsof.

More to the point, what is happening, or not happening, when your users get those 'Temporarily Unavailable' messages?

We need clues.

Logrotate rotates the logs weekly. But I get these errors soon after start. I restartet zope yesterday morning. This morning at 2:27 it wrote its last entry into the log. lsof shows that the normal logfiles are open by the zope processes.
The whole server is no unavaillable until restart.

What else can I check to help you analize the problem?


-- ============================================================================ Christoph Martin, EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany Internet-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telefon: +49-6131-3926337

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