Pino Toscano <> writes:

> The char variant is perfectly fine.

Um, yes.  I noticed 5 minutes after submitting.  Just a case of
defensive programming on my side.  No change required here.

> The loop in the char* version was wrong though, as you also noticed, but 
> I proposed a better fix upstream, and it was integrated.

+   resize(length + lengthA);
+-  for (j = prevLen; j >= i; --j)
+-    s[j+lengthA] = s[j];
++  memmove(s+i+lengthA, s+i, prevLen);
+   memcpy(s+i, str, lengthA);
+   return this;

I thought about using memmove() myself, and since it is already used in
Goo itself, that is definitely a good fix.  However, just a minor nit:
Only prevLen-i bytes need to be moved.  Your memmove() is correct but
moves more bytes than necessary.  I certainly won't insist on changing

> Well, theorically that bug should have been reassigned to poppler and 
> retitled...

Yes, but I don't think I can do that.

> if so far no issue has been raised there's a good possibility that the 
> internal usage in poppler of them has not been triggering the issue.

I agree.  I did a quick run through pending poppler bug reports but none
of the outputs changed due to the GooString fix.


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