Control: tag -1 moreinfo

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:23:51 -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: rm
> 0.1.999 was a pre-release uploaded before the freeze, while 0.2 was uploaded
> shortly after the release and besides fixing countless bugs it had quite a bit
> of restructuring/docs changes forbidding adequate review of the changes.
> Block request for 0.2-1, filed in July, was finally rejected due to "too late"
> reason [0].  Upon discussion with upstream [1], we decided that it would be 
> better
> for all not to ship 0.1.999 at all in Debian wheezy.  0.2 would be available
> from sid, backports for it would be available from NeuroDebian (or may be even
> from b.d.o whenever that would be possible).
# Broken Build-Depends:
nipype: python-nipy (>= 0.1.2+20101206-1~)

Do you want that removed as well?


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