On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 05:22:55PM +0100, Andrew Shadura wrote:
> Hello.
> On 28 February 2013 16:46, Ricardo Mones <mo...@debian.org> wrote:
> >> What extra details do you need to send the message apart from From:
> >> and To:? That should be perfectly enough to send a message. There's
> >> absolutely no reason to refuse sending a message which doesn't have
> >> Claws special headers.
> >   There's account configurations for things like where to put account's
> > sent messages or if messages have to be digitally signed, and more. That
> > information cannot be extracted from To or From.
> I have just one account here. There's no problem to have some
> heuristic or user-configurable rules.

  I have dozens. It has to work in all cases, not in yours only.

> >   That info is required for claws-mail to work properly, and there's no
> > reason for the server to remove it.
> Why don't other clients do that?

  Most of the clients out there add or allow adding extra headers to 
messages, from X-Face images, to any other imaginable stuff. Claws Mail just
uses it also to save more interesting information. And is perfectly valid.
Other clients may use a database or whatever they see appropriate. They
may be slower though. 

> >> >   Anyway the server must not remove headers sent by the client unless
> >> > they have invalid data (8-bit data) which is not the case. Which IMAP
> >> > server is that which removes client data without warning or error?
> >> This is what I have and I have no option to change the server
> >> behaviour. No other mail client is affected by this behaviour, so this
> >> is a fault of Claws Mail.
> >   No, that you can't change the server which is violating the IMAP standards
> > doesn't make it a client problem :) The other servers out there had never
> > such problem.
> >   In any case, you can put your drafts in a local folder instead of server's
> > and the problem should be fixed. Of course, this has drawbacks if you use
> > different computers.
> I'm not speaking about drafts, but the outbound queue. There's no
> reason to keep in on the server at all, by the way.

  You can also move it to a local folder. It's on the server because people
usually wants it there, but you can configure your imap account to use a
local queue.

> >> >   There's no place in the RFCs (3501/2600) that allows that kind of
> >> > server behaviour, so it's either a bug or a stupid feature of that 
> >> > server.
> >> > But clearly not a claws-mail bug.
> >> >   Since you have changed the title I guess you don't want to close this
> >> > report, which has become a feature request in fact, so tagging 
> >> > accordingly.
> >> I'd like it to be fixed, however. When the message is still in Drafts,
> >> it doesn't have any special headers. There's no reason to refuse to
> >> send it, as I said before.
> >   Yes, there is, as explained above. If the local folder drafts workaround
> > doesn't work for you the only thing I can recommend is to try other mail
> > clients in Debian and see if they work better with that ugly server.
> I don't want other mail clients! This can be worked around quite
> easily, at least for simple configurations.

  Fine, I'll wait for your patch then.

  BTW, upstream developers are famous for not workarounding things for
non-compliant servers, but you may be lucky if the patch is good enough.

> Also, what about 'remember my choice for this certificate' checkbox?

  You can disable certificate checks if you want. See hidden preferences:

> And urgency hint?

  Feature request, file the corresponding wishlist bug.
  I'll forward it to upstream.

  Ricardo Mones 
  Don't take the name of root in vain.          /usr/src/linux/README

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