For the record....

The bandwidthd integration with apache2 is pretty simple in that
just any ships a configuration file to set up serving of the static
html pages produced by bandwidthd.

The bandwidthd-pgsql is basically the same, it installes the same
apache config snippet, just that the directory pointed to now
contains php scripts pulling data from postgresql instead of static
html files.

(More of these for lighttpd, nginx, etc. would be nice to have but
I'm relying someone contributing these.....)

the main point from bandwidthd p.o.v. seems to be:

> Web applications must move their configuration files
> from /etc/apache2/conf.d/yourpackage
> to /etc/apache2/conf-available/yourpackage at very least.

Hopefully this is the only thing needed. (I've not tested installing
apache2.4 since it forces out too much of packages I need.)

My suggestion is no not consider bandwidthd a blocker for apache2.4,
since it's really not given that serving the generated graphs is
really wanted/needed. (Personally I point my web browser towards
file:///var/lib/bandwidthd/htdocs/ instead of http://localhost/bandwidthd/
when I want to look at my graphs, and the former is completely 
"webserver-agnostic". ;P)

Andreas Henriksson

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