Hi Justin,

On 10/05/2013 12:08 PM, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Oh, okay.  Let me see... the source packages docopt, doit,
> jquery-colorbox, jquery-goodies, lpc21isp, and nikola look as if I
> might be able to improve the wording.  Not that the others are all
> perfect formal standard native-speaker English, but they'll mostly
> pass for "note form" text, which is good enough for a library package.
> Would you prefer them as bugreports, or should we perhaps just have
> this conversation on debian-l10n-english?

Thanks for help me to improve my packages :). As you prefer, I think if you
attach a patch then BTS is the place. But if you believe that having the
conversation on debian-l10n is better, go ahead please.


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