
On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 07:14:19PM +0400, Andrey wrote:
> > So, the problem is that I don't have any numbers about which plugins are 
> > used most. 
> > I would like to avoid (unless there's a really good reason for it) to 
> > handle some plugins 
> > differently from the rest because that creates an inconsistent experience.
> My suggestion here is to have separate collectd-core package with just core
> application and docs and several collectd-plugin-* (like
> collectd-plugin-disk) packages with just .so file and, if applicable,
> default config file in /etc/collectd/plugins.d subdir or something like
> that.

Having one package for each plugin would mean about 100 plugin-*
packages. I don't think that this is user-friendly.

I was already thinking about having a couple of packages for some groups
of plugins. However, I could not come up with any reasonable grouping.
That would have to take functional similarity and dependencies into
account in order to be useful. Getting that right would be complicated
and getting it not quite right would be heavily confusing imho.

I've already discussed this issue a couple of times with different
people. In all cases, the end result was that the current approach is
the best after all.

> Metapackage might install something that already enabled by default,
> like rrd, network etc, or might not install anything at all, allowing user
> to decide which ones to use. 

I've had a couple of thoughts into that direction as well. However, all
ideas I've had so far basically boil down to the same problems I've
already discussed.

> > The packages do not force the installation of any of the dependencies.
> > That's why there is collectd-core and collectd which provide different
> > degrees of flexibility by suggesting or recommending all plugin
> > dependencies.
> Oh, I never tried to install just collectd-core, always thought I should use
> collectd package.

The collectd package is meant to be used by people who do not want to
think about how to setup collectd. By default, by using Recommends for
all dependencies, it simply works. However, it still allows to adjust
the setup and, for example, remove stuff that you don't want.

collectd-core is meant to be used by advanced users and as a base for
custom packaging (configuration).

> > build your own meta-package which provides your custom configuration, the
> > required dependencies for that configuration and then depends on
> > collectd-core.
> Currently, I end up with manual rebuilding the package, adding several
> --disable-plugin options to configure. At this point I've decided to create
> this thread.

I don't think this is necessary, since you can easily remove any
"dependency" you don't need.


Sebastian "tokkee" Harl +++ GnuPG-ID: 0x8501C7FC +++ http://tokkee.org/

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.         -- Benjamin Franklin

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