Am 05.04.2014 00:49, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> Here's a diff that will make pyvenv work.  As the changelog entry describes,
> it:
> * Undoes the removal of the ensurepip module.  I think it's safe to allow this
>   module to be installed because if a normal user were to run it outside of a
>   venv, it would rightly traceback on a permission denied.  This module is
>   required by pyvenv, and I think it is not unreasonable that in a pyvenv
>   virtual environment you would get the bundled pip and setuptools (which you
>   can of course always --upgrade).


This still doesn't say anything about how the downloaded pip behaves together
with the system python3. Does it allow installation of modules into the system
python3 path? which one, /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages or

Afics the patch doesn't address using the system provided python3-pip. Or am I
missing something.

> * Updates various patches to make sure that the pyvenv blessed paths are
>   available inside the virtual environment.  Note that the definitive way of
>   checking whether you're in a pyvenv virtual environment is:
>   sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix
> * Refreshes the quilt patch stack.

well, this is not necessary.

> With my testing, these patches should allow a pyvenv created virtual
> environment to work sanely, and as close to the upstream from-source built
> Python's behavior as makes sense on Debian.


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