On Apr 07, 2014, at 03:09 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:

>This still doesn't say anything about how the downloaded pip behaves together
>with the system python3. Does it allow installation of modules into the system
>python3 path? which one, /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages or
>Afics the patch doesn't address using the system provided python3-pip. Or am I
>missing something.

If you apt-get install python3-pip and then:

$ pip3 install nose2

f.e. as non-root, you'll get the expected permission denied error:

error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/nose2': 
Permission denied

If you sudo that, then everything gets installed into the right place:

ls /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/
__pycache__/  nose2/  nose2-0.4.7.egg-info/  six-1.3.0.egg-info/  six.py

You also cannot run ensurepip as non-root (outside of a venv) because you will
also get a permission denied.

If you sudo -m ensurepip, you will get things installed into
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages.  That's unfortunate, but it seems like you
have to willfully try to break your system in order to do that.

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