
I guess that the packages are now ready to upload, and I'm willing to
do so in the next, but I would really appreciate your review first,

I reduced the amount of patches to its minimum. In particular, I'm not
renaming the binary nor adding a helper script file. Instead, I got
the flare engine binary to refuse starting without a game specied. If
someone simply types "flare", s/he gets:

| flare: You must specify a game to play on the command line. Example:
|   flare --game=flare-game
I guess that this is good enough. Upstream is aware of the problem:

Then, I simply added two lintian overrides for errors that are due to
the split between packages. I checked, and these overrides are common
in other games that come with engine/data packages produced by
separate source packages.

flare-engine source: version-substvar-for-external-package flare-engine -> 
flare-game: desktop-command-not-in-package usr/share/applications/flare.desktop 

So I think this is it. The game is finally correctly packaged.

Could you please have a look before I upload this?

Thanks, Mt.

It goes against the grain of modern education to teach children to program.
What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing
thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be self-critical?
   -- "Epigrams in Programming", Alan J. Perlis

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