Il 09/10/2014 09:47, Jan Henke ha scritto:
Hi, I do think it is reasonable to assume that installing an optional documentation package of one component normally also installs the documentation for other related packages. Especially it does seem to be logical to have default-jdk-doc installed when you install the documentation of jetty. As such I am in favour of keeping the current recommends. For sure the default behaviour does not suit every use case, but I do not think changing the default should be done. I still think the current default is the expected behaviour.

Just to say that my opinion was based on the fact that I am an experienced Java developer. I really don't need the JDK docs just to read the Jetty 8 Javadoc. I would assume that if one needs to use the Jetty API in its own application already knows what a "String" or an "IOException" is, just to mention the first two JDK classes that come into my mind.

So, it's just a "logical" vs "practical" approach. Maybe "suggests" would keep the logical relationship between packages without unexpected practical consequences on the weight of the size on disk (almost 8x) and download (almost 12x).

After all, the Jetty 8 Javadoc is self-contained, as it is viewable online at: Even if references towards JDK classes didn't work, they won't limit the usability of the documentation in a substantial way. By the way, I was wondering if inter-javadoc package references work if I install all of those 300 MB of packages (do the downloaded HTML files contain file:// absolute paths to get to the proper Javadoc files in the Debian filesystem structure? I can't test now).


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