On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 03:04:38PM +0100, Peter Valdemar Mørch wrote:
> netcfg: Do not kill_dhcp_client after setting the hostname and domain,
> otherwise Linux udhcpc will stop renewing its lease, and on other
> platforms dhclient will de-configure the network interface (#757711,
> #757988).

The call chain is this:

udpkg --configure --force-configure netcfg
\_ netcfg Z
   \_ dhcp6c
   \_ udhcpc

udpkg does not collect netcfg's exit code. Instead it continues
poll()ing to forward stderr. It receives the SIGCHLD but does not act
upon it with a wait() or waitpid(). The function udpkg uses to invoke
netcfg's configure comes from libdebian-installer:

  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "exec %s configure", config);
  if ((r = di_exec_shell_log(buf)) != 0)

Essentially dhcp6c and udhcpc need to be daemonized off correctly once
they go into "lease acquired, renew in the background" mode and
close their file descriptors[*]. However doing that early likely loses
logging, so it'd be best if the programs would do the right thing.
At least udhcpc calls bb_daemonize(0), which doesn't do any fd closing.
For dhcp6c (wide-dhcpv6-client) we currently force foreground mode
(-f). It is not sufficient for netcfg to simply close stderr, as all
producers need to close it, as far as I understand.

On the other hand it also seems wrong for di_exec_shell_log to continue
after the invoked binary exited. I suspect that'd mean ppoll() and
proper signal handling, but I'm at a loss right now how to do that
properly in C. Maybe that's the right place to fix it in the meantime.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

[*] It has been a long-standing problem with some d-i (maybe just
Ubuntu with isc-dhcp-client) that leases are not renewed during the
runtime of the installation. Which might break networking when the
switch throws you off post-expiry.

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