retitle 783040 gerbview: unprintable outputs

On Fri, May 01, 2015 at 08:11:38PM +0200, Nick Østergaard wrote:
> Gerbv is _not_ part of KiCad. Gerbview is part of KiCad. In any case
> you should be more explicit about what the error of the output is, and
> give a test case to help the developers and packagers.

> > gerbv produces buggy and unprintable PDF and PS and SVG files.
> >
> > gerbview has correct output and prints correctly.

Sorry, I got this completely backwards. gerbv works. Gerbview print
does not work.

I've attached simple kicad project along with PDF and PS output from
gerbview - those even crash evince and produce no output. The correct
output from gerbv is also in the tarball, for comparison.

Sorry about the confusion. Right package, wrong name!

- Adam

Adam Majer

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