On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 at 09:57:55 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> Now that openexr has built everywhere, I've NMU'd imagemagick to DELAYED/2

It has reached unstable, and built everywhere except mips.

Please add a transition tracker. auto-imagemagick can't be used here,
because it already exists (tracking the proposed transition to a new
upstream SONAME).

is_affected = .depends ~ /\blibmagick\+\+-6\.q16-5/;
is_good = .depends ~ /\blibmagick\+\+-6\.q16-5v5\b/;
is_bad = .depends ~ /\blibmagick\+\+-6\.q16-5\b/;

This might also be a good time to check whether the mips buildd has
got stuck.


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