Am 20.09.2015 um 15:54 schrieb Martin Pitt:
>>> The hooks are run asynchronously and don't block networkd.
>> > 
>> > Interesting; as far as I know, that's a change compared to how other as
>> > far as I know those hooks are normally run synchronously by other
>> > software.
> What do you mean by "synchronous"? Certainly not for ifupdown itself
> (different interfaces are being handled completely independent from
> each other) and I don't believe NetworkManager blocks on them either
> (it calls NM-dispatcher which runs the hooks, it does not block NM).

hooks under ifupdown afaik *do* run synchronous and ifupdown waits for
the hooks to complete.
That means a hook can return a non-zero exit code to abort the bring up
of the interface. Afaics, this is required so hooks can *extend* the
functionality of ifupdown.
I think this is the change of behaviour Josh is talking about.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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