On 2016-01-18 07:52:41, Danny Edel wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> Now that borgbackup is clear to enter and stay in testing again, it may
> be time to revisit the backport to stable : )
> On 01/09/2016 04:57 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> from what i understand, there are two dependencies that need to be
>> backported:
>>  * setuptools-scm: backported by Gianfranco already, but out of date
>>    (1.8 backported vs 1.10 in stretch)
> I don't think that this is a showstopper.
> According to setup.py[1] borgbackup only requires 1.7 (this is mirrored
> to d/control Build-Depends), which is satisfied already in jessie-backports.
> [1]:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/borgbackup.git/tree/setup.py?id=dc168cf8cc7f50870dd1aca8c2329660a7017f4f#n260
>>  * python3-msgpack: backport missing. zigo contacted, said he would
>>    backport himself. i'll open a bug report about this on msgpack to
>>    track that
> Is there any news on this?  I tested a no-change-rebuild in a
> jessie-backports pbuilder (seemed to go fine, but I don't know how to
> correctly verify that), and was able to compile borgbackup with the
> resulting package.

The bug report is in:


no news from the other maintainer, i suggest you take it there...

make sure that borg really runs with the new msgpack, because there are
serious performance problems with the older one...

> Right now borgbackup-doc built this way has privacy breach (loads
> javascripts from external url when browsing local doc), which does not
> happen when building it on sid.
> Any thoughts?

I am not sure it's an issue that warrants blocking the backport - it's a
bug in the toolchain, not specific to borg, no?

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                        - Stokely Carmichael

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